After this long, snowy, cold winter, it’s finally time to break out the gardening gear and get some fresh air.  I don’t know about you, but I find gardening to be one of those totally therapeutic activities.  It calms me and isthe perfect antidote to the crazy, fast paced world we live in.  There’s something so satisfying about being out there, getting your hands in the dirt and then reaping the reward of beautiful fresh food that you yourself have nurtured to fruition.   And the great spring weather we’re having is perfect to kick off the planting season.

Salad greens are so easy to grow and produce a tasty harvest so quickly – it’s hands down the most gratifying veggie to garden.   There are many varieties to choose from, they thrive in cool weather, are resilient and do very well in containers.  To get started, head to your local garden center where you will find several varieties of starter lettuce and kale plants.  Grab some organic potting soil, organic veggie plant fertilizer and a few attractive pots, and – bam –you’ve got the most ultra-fresh salad ingredients, ready to go, steps from your kitchen.  To ensure steady supply of greens all season long, pick up a packet of seeds add a teaspoon every two to three weeks or so into the garden.  What could be easier?  No excuses not to eat healthy anymore!

Care and feeding of your plants does not require much of a green thumb.  Just be diligent about ensuring they are in a constant moist state.  And be sure to water every day to prevent the plant from ‘bolting’ and developing a bitter taste.  The warmer the weather, the more water that is needed.   I would also recommend adding an organic fertilizer to the water every 7 to 10 days.  Three to six hours of sun a day should be more than enough to produce a lush harvest. Although greens thrive in the cool months of spring and fall, it can be grown throughout the summer as well.  But during the hot summer months, shield your greens from the mid-day sun as this can scorch the lettuce and cause bolting.  Most lettuce varieties if cut about 1 inch from the soil and will begin a regeneration that will produce another cutting within a few weeks.

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Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.